Checkpoint 03--Basic game functions and Game logic/Interaction/Puzzles

Checkpoint03--Basic game functions and Game logic

All right, this week we need to do several important game functions and implement basic game logic.

Firstly we need to add a pause panel so that we can pause whenever we want (but definitely not when you lose lol). Based on my early experience, we can make a animation so that when we click pause button, it won’t appear promptly(feel weird). Same situation when we click resume button, just another direction. After that we add 2 buttons—retry and home, so we could give up or restart the game. GIF  describe what it looks like>>>


Pause button


Resume button

After that, I add a script to control the whole game logic, including how many stars will player get after each level, how to let pills fly one by one etc. Well, first one we need to decide how player collect stars, since there will be different number of pills, so stars will be judged by how many pills are still in the scene after kill all virus, if one left then two stars, if two or more left then three stars.


Then we make a panel to show something when we fail or win. If lose then an ugly virus appear and we have restart and home button in lose panel; If win we show how many stars we get and display it one by one, also have a restart and home button in win panel. These two panels both have an animation. And they look like GIF 3 and 4>>>win




After that we should add more kinds of pills to let our game interesting to play. Here I decided to add another 3 kinds. Each of these 3 pills has a special skill, we can use this skill by enter space when pill flying. The first one will double its speed, the second one can move back, the third one can explode and destroy lots of enemies. These three pills GIF displayed in 5, 6 and 7>>>

double speed pill

double speed pill

 move back pill

move back pill

explode pill
explode pill

Peer's evaluation and related correction

Some of my classmates said that when pill is flying, they click mouse button around the shooter, pill immediately appear around it, and this is an apparently bug. Because within 5 seconds a Boolean expression in my script is always true, so pill can always follow mouse’s position, after adding another Boolean variable, bug disappeared.

The second suggestion is to add more levels, this I will implement later, and the logic behind it is quite complex, so I’ll start to finishing UI map as well as thinking of other levels.


Alternative way or further implements

When implementing the game logic, I’ve tried to disable other pills when current one will fly, but I found it’s actually not great because player couldn’t know how many pills we have and that is pretty annoying. So we still have to disable the springJoint and other relative components.

For further implement I will stop time after click pause button because we need to stop game and any game objects can’t move, and I will also hide the pause button when pause panel appears



All gifs are made with  and all videos are captured with an app download in

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